“How do I help my child, their confidence is down and they are frustrated?” , “They shut down when they are in the car after a game….help”, “How do I handle a delicate situation with a coach”, “What camps do I spend my money on” , “What should my child be doing at home” , “How do I convince my child that nutrition and sleep are important?”
-Virtually every parent I have ever worked with
I am a Soccer Consultant for Families
“If I were to visualize what I would wish for my child 10 years from now, which would I choose. A supremely developed soccer player that had a successful soccer career and we did anything to make that happen or a emotionally well balanced, confident, aware, kind, resilient human that just so happens to be an incredible soccer player that had a great soccer career?”
Follow-up question
“How do I show up, do my actions & words align with what I want for my child?”
The previous sample questions are just a quick glance at some of work I do with parents. I take great pleasure and fulfillment in this aspect of what I do. If you are interested in learning more please read the parent testimonials and then contact me through the free consult button at the top of this page.
Sample Questions that I like to ask of parents
Expanding context of beliefs to reframe challenges and provide broader perspective
Providing Support to minimize undo expectations and pressure on child
Parent education of relevant expectations for player development
Environment to foster growth not stress for the entire family
Co creating environment to foster growth not stress